The Christmas Star

I hope you enjoy the Christmas poem I wrote about 11 years ago. It’s still one of my favorites and I like to share it at this time of year.

The Christmas Star

By Judy Vandiver

Silently the world slept through the dark,
Yet dawn broke and no one seemed to notice,
That the answer to all our problems was born,
Just as God foretold us.
The long awaited light appeared,
A star that paled the sun in it’s wake.
Heralding the birth of God,
Who had come to earth for man’s sake
The brilliance was dazzling and multi faceted
From this great celestial ball.
Those who saw it were blinded by the light,
And yet the blind did not see it at all
Moving, guiding, leading the way,
No ordinary light this star.
Men of old followed faithfully,
Steps that lead from home afar.
Coming closer, carrying their treasures,
Gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem, look up
And see that which has caused a heaven and earthly stir.
Onward to Bethlehem, the light yet led
The entourage to a tiny manger.
There they met the king of kings
Yet the world considered him a stranger.
Centuries have come and centuries have gone,
And still many do not believe
That what happened in Bethlehem
Was a miracle only God could weave.
The world still sleeps then begins it’s day again
Puzzled that some are watching the sky.
They look about and shake their head
And with mumbled breath ask why.
Silently the world still sleeps through the dark.
Again dawn breaks and no one seems to notice
That the answer to all our problems was born,
Just as God foretold us.

(c) 2011 Judy Vandiver

A different kind of word count.

Note Tab Light

Here’s a great program for counting the number of times a specific word is used in your document. The program is called  Note Tab Light. What the software does is list every word in the document or chapter you paste into it. It tells you how many time you used each word and the percentage that each word makes up for the whole document.

I don’t pay much attention to the percentage and I don’t care if I used the word “the” 100 times in the chapter. I look over the list of words and look for high word counts. If Note Tab Light shows that I used the word “fizzle” ten times in a chapter, that is a bit much and I would go back and look for the word in my document and adjust it.

I also look over the list for words that don’t do a lot . . .  Such as words like “just, really, very, like, such, etc.” and highlight those on my list. It has also helped me catch unusual words that I’ve spelled differently in different locations. I had Az Zubair one time and Az Zubayr in another place in the same document. When I was proofing it showed it as a misspelled word but I skipped each time, knowing the word dictionary didn’t include  it. But . . .  I had not been consistent in my spelling.  I go back to my document and search for the words that I have highlighted in my list. I look at each instance where the word was used. Sometimes I leave them as they are, but at least I do so knowingly. Usually I make changes that I hope are better.

Go to this web site.

It’s a free software.  Once you download and install it,  paste your words into the program.

1.       Go to tools and then to

2.       Text Statistics then

3.       when a little screen pops up, click “more

and you will get a list of all the words you used and how many times you used them. I usually copy the list and paste it into a word document, print it out, and sit in my recliner with a highlighter and the list. I highlight words that I want to go back and run a “find” on in my original document. If the document comes out real long, rather than printing numerous pages, I reformat my new Word document into two or three columns. For three columns I adjust the margins and tabs. Also, at the beginning of your printout, Note Tab Light tells you how many commas, periods, quote marks, etc. that you have used.  Compare beginning quote mark counts with end quote mark counts. And at the end of your printout, Note Tab Light tells you how many different words you used, how many characters, how many paragraphs, etc.



Words and Word Lists

There is an old saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” But unless you are writing a picture book, that won’t work for most authors. We are people who are in love with words.  We love the way they sound, the way they roll off the tongue, they way they make the reader visualize a picture — the one in the writer’s mind. Choosing the right word can sometimes be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.

I rarely have a major writer’s block. Ideas run amuck in my brain. My blocks come in smaller packages.  Choosing the exact word I want can stop me like my mother yelling my full name. I can come to a place in my story where I want to say “Tom was nervous.” The editor side of my brain cautions that I am telling the reader instead of showing them. So I work at showing.

I  use the backspace key and start again. “Tom swallowed the lump in his throat.” Ok. Good. That shows the nervousness. Editor brain screams my full name and tells me that is trite and over done. Backspace again. I ask myself what else Tom can do with his throat. Bob his Adam’s apple, clear his throat, cough? Why does it have to be in his throat at all?

I’ve developed an aid I keep on my writing desk for times my backspace key is getting a workout. It’s my handy little ‘Word List’. I have list of words that are sight’ words, sound words, hearing words, he said / she said words. For this example I might pick up a list of ‘feeling’ words.

As an example, let me tell you ten words I spot on the list at a glance. I let my eyes swoop the page and choose words at random.   Bridled – Chilled – Dire – Frustrated – Imposing – Muddled – Private – Rigid – Shruken – Suffocated.  Then I try to use the words to show Tom’s nervousness.  Here are some examples I came up with:

Tom bridled his nerves.

A chill encased Tom’s heart.

He was in dire need of a glass of water.

Frustration gripped him.

An imposing lump rendered Tom speechless. (See, I got that lump in the throat in there!)

Tom couldn’t make sense of his muddled thoughts.

Tom’s legs went rigid.

He shrunk to the back of the crowd.

The doubt suffocated him.

Did you notice I only listed nine examples? That because I won’t always use every word I pick from the list. And I don’t actually write these down. I let my eyes rove the list, thinking of ways I could use a variety of words to show Tom’s nervousness.  I may come up with several.  What if I wrote:

Doubt suffocated Tom and an imposing lump rendered him speechless. He was in dire need of a cool drink, but his rigid legs wouldn’t let him shrink to the back of the crowd.

We are playing with the words here and they may not be what I would end up with, however, they show the reader a picture rather than telling them “Tom was nervous.” The end product gives the reader a chance to visualize Tom. And I used far less than a thousand words. (Of course, the story isn’t finished yet. . .  I only need 74,967 more words and I have a novel.)

The paragraph above could be the beginning of a novel.  We don’t know much about Tom yet, but he’s in a crowd of people and for some reason he wants out of there. What happened? What did he doubt?  The writer’s mind swirls with ideas. I’ll let you take it from there.

It doesn’t take long to come up with lists of words.  Of course, they’re all there in your handy dictionary, but having choice words on categorized lists makes finding the right one speedier. And you can find categorized lists very quickly on the internet. Here is a link to one of my favorites.  This list was designed to help with suicidal teenagers, but the list is helpful to anyone looking for a word that might validate feelings. From that link, I found another list of Common Negative Feelings. If you want more, try googling “descriptive words” “sound words” or whatever it is you need at the moment.  Print these lists and put them in a notebook.  Keep it on your writing desk.  If you are like me, the editor side of your brain will soon be shouting your full name, you’ll pause, but your brain won’t freeze. You’ll reach for a thousand words and paint a picture.

Judy Vandiver

P.S. I have been accused of using 1,000 words when only a few will do. I talked so much as a child that a favorite uncle called me “washing machine.” He said I sounded like one – blah – blah – blah – blah – blah – blah – blah!

Note: If this article helps you, you have additional ideas on word lists or would like more information from Judy, you may contact her at