Back to the Future

DEPUTY_FIFE_400x400I find myself doing things again that I did in the past. I’m enjoying going for leisurely walks, reconnecting with old high school chums, and watching reruns of Barney Fife. I find I really like having the old and familiar things in my life. But it’s fun when I can take reruns of my own life and turn them in to present-day experiences.

At a church we attended when we lived in another city, I volunteered in the church cafe. It reminded me of the days when Mom and Dad had their Cajun restaurant – the Cajun Corral. Funny how I can’t remember what I went to find in another room, but washing dishes in clorox water, wiping down tables, waiting on customers, and operating the cash register came back in a flash. I will say though, that the new electronic cash register was a snap to operate. It had pictures of the food items and you just touch the picture to ring it up. The Cajun Corral used an antique cash register with hard to push buttons. And we had to do all the math in our head!

I’ve also started painting again and find I love going back to creative things that have given me a lot of pleasure in the past. And I’m back to doing what God called me to – Write. Yep, it’s deja-vu all over again.

Sometimes going back to the old and familiar is the road to our future endeavors. This reminds me of my relationship with God. I think back to when I first accepted His forgiveness and salvation and the wonderful peace that it brought. I still feel that same peace as God has never left me. Sometimes, however, I get busy with life and don’t spend as much time on my relationship with the Lord as I used to. But then I turn around and find that God is still with me. He’s never moved from my side. It’s then that I am reminded that my greatest times of peace and joy are when I am spending time in daily devotions and Bible study. Yes, going back is often the road to the future.